The Junction Zero Waste Hub presents…
A family-friendly opportunity to give feedback on the current NPDC Waste Management and Minimisation Plan
When: Saturday the 12th of August 2023 1PM – 4PM
Where: Enviro-Hub 30 Brooklands Park Drive, Brooklands, New Plymouth (Next to Brooklands Zoo, in Pukekura Park)
Why: The Junction Zero Waste Hub is hosting a family-friendly event at the Enviro-Hub in Pukekura Park to offer members of the public an opportunity to give feedback on the current NPDC WMMP.
There will be free food, prizes, activities for kids, and opportunities to speak to and hear from people working in the community to help achieve the goals outlined in this plan. Feedback will be collected via a survey.
Each survey completed will then act as an entry into a PRIZE DRAW for a DOUBLE PASS TO WOMAD!!!!!