Our Kaupapa

Sustainable Taranaki supports people and businesses to value the environment by prioritising sustainability.

Our Vision

Ko te āhua o te taiao tētahi wakarerenga ka waihotia ake tātou ki ngā reanga whakeheke

All people of Taranaki embrace their part in handing a vibrant environment to the next generation.

Our Goal

Sustainable Taranaki is a global case study for sustainable wellbeing, showing how a culture of kaitiakitanga can transform behaviours in a region’s economic, social and environmental context.

Our Values

Bare feet on the earth

We are part of the natural world
And we learn and live best when connected to this world
Tatai whakapapa.

A simple paper pot  

We bring together and nurture ideas, individuals and groups
We build for our community, empower our community, and then let go
We help our people grow and celebrate wherever they make their mark.

A better world is possible

We believe in our people and our future
Change starts in our own backyard
Every new decision can improve things.

There is always space at our table

Manaakitanga tuatahi
We uplift each other and uphold the mana of others
We share what we have freely.

Build the soil

We build people up so that they succeed
We encourage the right conditions for communities to flourish
We acknowledge the whakapapa of the whenua.

Lovingly disrupt

We celebrate the ara, accepting everyone's journey
AND we are prepared to challenge the norm with kindness, love and respect.

We are a registered charity (Charities No. CC31884), with profits reinvested into our programs to help people live more sustainably.

“We take for granted that sustainability and environmental education are now mainstream concepts, but these leaders were well ahead of their time in the early 1990’s.” Boyd Benton, former Trust Chairman.