Our Tīma - Team
This is our organisation kauri and our tīma (team)! If you want to get in touch with anyone please contact us here and we’ll make sure to connect you with our beautiful people!
Read our values, kaupapa and vision here.
Dan describes himself as a businessman and an environmentalist. Alongside his role with Sustainable Taranaki, he’s an organiser in the regional entrepreneurship catalyst, Startup Taranaki, and operates a strategy consultancy. His belief in the need to transform our economy and restore our environment through uncompromisingly sustainable business activity also has a political outlet: Dan was the 2020 New Plymouth candidate for The Opportunities Party. Prior to arriving back to Aotearoa NZ in 2020, Dan spent a year volunteering in the Americas on Earthrace’s tactical conservation vessel, The Modoc. He lives in Huiroa on a small permaculture plot with husband Thomas.
Chauncy is keen to support our planet and its inhabitants based on the cornerstones of social, environmental, economic, cultural, and spiritual sustainability. During his varied life journey, he has explored volcanic Pacific islands, created permaculture tepee retreats, played in noisy punk bands, and has lived in beautiful wildlife reserves. In recent years he has been helping to grow biodiversity restoration with community groups, rangatahi, local and central government, and ordinary folks. One of his roles is the Urban Project Lead for Taranaki Taku Tūranga – Towards Predator Free Taranaki, where he strives to build and maintain a strong collective vision and environmental restoration outcomes with wonderful, diverse communities.
His whānau is grateful to live in Ōmata where they are able to incorporate restoration of bush areas, regenerative farming practices and permaculture food production principles into their busy lives - facing change and uncertainty with wellbeing, connectivity, humour, humility, sustainability, and Aroha.
Glen is passionate about the outdoors and can often be seen on the beautiful tracks of Te Papakura o Taranaki, on the beaches of Ngāmotu and enjoying the coastal walkway on his ebike.
Glen has a passion for helping those in his community engage with what sustainable energy means and its role in a sustainable society and economy. Alongside his role with Sustainable Taranaki, Glen is a policy and insights analyst at Ara Ake – New Zealand’s Future Energy Centre, where he helps those in his wider Aotearoa New Zealand community realise the true value of their energy assets, such as solar and batteries. Glen has a growing interest in how good policy can help drive a sustainable future.
As a passionate educator, Joe is excited to lead the team with the goal of making Taranaki a healthier region. Joe was born in the United Kingdom but grew up in Inglewood and has returned to New Plymouth with whānau after spending 15 years overseas where he co-founded a Green School in Guatemala.
Tane is passionate about sharing tikanga and is deeply connected to his hapū Ngā Māhanga ā Tairi, which includes Pūniho Pā and Ōākura Pā.
After teaching at New Plymouth’s WITT polytechnic and Te Wananga o Aotearoa, he focused on Te Ao Māori through delivering the Kai Oranga program with his wife Tara at Ōākura Pā.
Tane loves spending time with his tamariki and refereeing rugby league - so watch out for the whistle!
Jane is an experienced leader in protecting our environment and teaching young people how they can create change. As the new Kairuruku (education coordinator), Jane will connect rangatahi, schools and Ngā Mahanga a Tairi hapū in the Kaitake area. "I'm excited to learn alongside students about our interconnectedness with the Kaitake forest, whenua (land), and awa (rivers)."
Jane is one of three coordinators working in the Te Ara Taiao program, that supports tamariki with their aspirations to care for our region's unique taiao -natural environment. Jane has worked for the Department of Conservation supporting restoration and education initiatives. She loves to explore the beach with her boys or spend time in the garden.
Hineana is a yoga teacher, a creative crafter, and a keen gardener and surfer. She was raised with tikanga Māori, which naturally led her to having a strong sense of kaitiakitanga. Hineana’s whenua is in Tataraimaka, Taranaki. She studied geography and environmental studies at Victoria University, before setting off to explore the world and learn from other cultures, through volunteering in various projects. She recently returned to Aotearoa where she has been teaching yoga and studying to become an Ayurvedic Health Counsellor. She is passionate about integrating the wisdom of mātauranga Māori and the worldviews of indigenous cultures across the world into our relationship with the environment.
Tēnā koutou katoa. No Kōtirana (Scotland), no Repanona (Lebanon), no Pōtukara (Portugal), no Aerana (Ireland), no Wēra (Wales), no Ingarangi (England), no Ūropi ki te raki (Northern Europe) te whakapaparanga mai ahau.
Engari, Ko Taranaki te Mounga. Ko Huatoki te awa. Ko Ngamotu te Whenua tupu. Ko Vogeltown taku kainga noho. Ko Parakore te Pukenga. Ko Dave Malcolm taku Ingoa.
Nō reira, Tēnā koutou, Tēnā koutou, Tēnā koutou katoa.
Greetings to you all. My ancestors come from Scotland, Lebanon, Portugal, Ireland, Wales, England and Northern Europe.
However, I give blessings to Mount Taranaki. I give blessings to Huatoki Stream. New Plymouth is where I am from. My home is in Vogeltown. Zero Waste is my skill. My name is Dave Malcolm.
Thus, greetings to you all.
Mieke is a talented organic horticulture tutor who loves to share her knowledge at workshops.
After migrating from the Netherlands in 2004, Mieke left a hospitality career of developing businesses to combine her passion for gardening, permaculture, and sustainability. She’s keen to educate people about the simple steps you can do to care for our whenua and reduce waste.
Elric grew up in Dordogne (France), studied both in France and Canada, and move to Aotearoa in 2016 with a background in sports marketing and communication.
After 3 years of managing the French Embassy’s communication in Wellington, he is now directly involved in all the sustainable actions he is passionate about: cycling, reducing waste and gardening to name a few!
You might find him around Taranaki riding his bike, organising a cleanup, surfing on the coast, running around the maunga or eating a French pastry (chocolatine!) in town!
Alice loves being outdoors and is always off on an adventure with her husband and two tamariki. Growing up in the wonderful Taranaki region has allowed a passion for the environment to flourish and they love the opportunity to go out and explore it. She is a keen gardener, growing her own kai and as a family they love to visit the beach and the ocean to gather kaimoana.
As a Landscape Architect, Alice has designed residential gardens, parks, streetscapes, commercial properties and playgrounds. She loves seeing a project through from conception to becoming a place that brings people together, a place that people can share and a beautiful outdoor space that people love being in.
With a passion for the environment she encourages living sustainably through recycling, re-purposing, growing, sharing and borrowing.
Tessa lives just out of Pātea in the farming community of Alton with her husband and 3 daughters.
She has always had a passion for gardening especially growing vegetables for her family and is enjoying the community garden as it provides a chance to share that passion and knowledge with others.
Sophie has a background of over 20 years in the tourism industry, in mostly marketing, communications and sustainability based roles. She has a passion for sustainability and supporting individuals and businesses to have a minimal impact on the environment. She has a Masters in Sustainable Tourism Management and ran her own tourism marketing business for 5 years.
Sophie moved to Taranaki with her husband and young family in 2021. She is no a stranger to the region. Her mother is from here, so with whanau to visit she spent every summer here as a child, and then made regular visits as an adult after her parents moved back here 16 years ago. She has a deep love of the Taranaki and Aotearoa outdoors and having adventures with her family. If she’s even on the solo you’ll find her in water at Fitzroy or Back Beach with her surfboard, or lost on the trails at Mangamahoe with her fluorescent green mountain bike!
Jen is a strong advocate for moving Aotearoa in a direction that values the environment and social justice. She is an educator, designer and entrepreneur who has worked on a number of Sustainable Taranaki projects, including the Taranaki Sustainable Backyards Trail.
Since its inception, Jen has been involved in the marketing and design of the Trail, and her property Native Nook featured in 2022. Partway through 2023 she took over the management of the event and has hit the ground running. Jen is supported by Mieke and Elric (what a team!), and together they look forward to growing more backyards sustainably!
Working at Sustainable Taranaki, brings together the three things I love the most, people, sustainability and having fun at events!
My journey through life has taken me from studying Environmental Science in Australia, working in food cooperatives in Brisbane, bird conservation in Samoa and biodiversity training for the Dept. of Conservation in Wellington (that’s the Conservation and Sustainability part). To running training and culture change programme for Auckland Live (that’s the events stuff) and most recently Agile ways of working at Genesis (the people part).
I moved to Taranaki in order to be closer to my community, get back into sustainability and volunteer more. When I am not having fun with volunteers at events, I am volunteering at Tūpare, playing in my garden or cycling/tramping/dog walking.
He mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa.
He uri o te moana nui a Kiwa, o Ngaiterangi hoki, e mihi ana ki a koutou o Taranaki whānui.
Cherry was raised on a sheep farm in te rohe potae (the King Country) where she developed a deep connection to the land. After homeschooling her four children, Cherry ventured into education - teaching in bilingual and English medium schools, bush school and tertiary education.
After moving to Taranaki, Tiere was blessed with the opportunity to begin her journey learning te reo me ōnā tikanga, which further deepened her connection to the whenua through matauranga māori. Tiere is passionate about learning-through-doing and enjoys hands-on, authentic experiences that nurture both physical and spiritual connections between ourselves and the taiao we are part of.
Linda has been living in Taranaki for 25 years and working in administration and payroll for a wide range of local businesses. She finds it really interesting and inspiring to work for Sustainable Taranaki, an organisation with a great variety of passionate people all working for a good cause. She claims she has the best office in town, looking over the Pukekura Park and next to the Brooklands Zoo!
Kia ora, I’m Dom. After 7 years background in ECE, I found a new calling in 2023 as a Community Coordinator. In addition to coordinating Marfell Community Garden, I also coordinate a local family collective known as PROUD Taranaki.
It’s a privilege to be in the role as Marfell Community Coordinator. I’ve lived in Marfells with my sons since 2022, and see the Māra as a vital organ of this community. The more we care for it, it cares for us.
Countless kaitiaki from near and far have breathed life into this once-vacant council paddock since 2020. Thanks to Sustainable Taranaki, coordinators have been allowed the time and resources needed to foster the diverse partnerships, the living kaupapa, and the original vision, which give Marfell Community Garden its unique wairua.
Cath will be managing the Taranaki Sustainable Trails for 2025. She has recently moved to New Plymouth from Pōneke, where she studied at Victoria University of Wellington and worked as a policy analyst, engagement specialist and climate change consultant. During her time in Wellington, she had also been teaching yoga and was involved with Kaicycle Community Garden and Everybody Eats as a volunteer.
Cath has recently returned from a good stint of travel and is thrilled to be back in Aotearoa. You will find her enjoying the offerings of Papatūānuku by tramping, running, practising yoga outside or generally frolicking through the bush. She also spends time exploring waves down the coast or immersed in her new garden.
Ovila grew up between New Zealand and the USA, completing his secondary education at Spotswood College in New Plymouth. After earning a geology degree from Canterbury, he worked for a construction company in the USA, gaining experience with construction equipment and welding. He then joined an engineering firm, focusing on-site investigations and material testing, and later served as an Engineer of Record, ensuring compliance with local building codes.
After nine years at the engineering firm, he had become frustrated by the waste in new builds and the lack of sustainable practices being implemented in the construction industry. Ovila then pursued a Master of Construction specializing in a Sustainable Built Environment from Massey, graduating in 2024. Now, he works with Sustainable Taranaki to reduce construction waste, driven by his passion for creating a sustainable built environment.
Ko Ngāi Tahu (pronounce Kai Tahu), Ko Ngāti Kāhungunu, Ko Tūhoe rātou Kōtiana ōku Iwi. E noho ana au ki Ngāmotu te nuinga o tōku oranga. Ko Carman Amai tāku ingoa
My whakapapa is with Ngāi Tahu in the South Island, Ngāti Kāhungunu from the East Coast, Tūhoe in North Island and Scottish descent. I was born and raised in New Plymouth and have continued to live here for most of my life. My name is Carman Amai
My passion is to show tamariki a healthy and informative way to understand why conservation is so important for the whenua, moana, awa and ngāhere, for all that live on it or in it. Encouraging tamariki to have a voice and to stand with mana and pride to carry with them and to share their knowledge and experiences with generations to come.
For the past 30 years I have been involved with the Netball community in Taranaki as a player of competitive netball, as a coach of women's teams and tamariki or as a white umpire representing Taranaki Rep teams or Saturday Satalite games.
I am a keen gardener inside and outside my pāpākainga, growing fruit and vegetables, propagating indoor plants and pest control by trapping around tōku whare.
Ko au tēnei, Tēnā Tātou Kātoa
Ko te taiao tāku rongoā.
Born and lived in Waitara until I was 14 when we moved to Australia. Through my teens, I travelled extensively around Australia and overseas in Representative Soccer teams. I studied Wildlife and Wilderness Reserves Management at The University of Queensland upon completion of Year 12. I returned to New Zealand in 2008. A life changing injury playing soccer in 2016 sent me on a trajectory into yoga philosophy and practice....yoga and our natural spaces nearby allowed me to recover. As mum to three and nan to two tamariki, I love being witness to all tamariki reconnecting with taiao, to self and to others. In spare time I love being anywhere taiao...beach, bush, Mounga, maara kai, awa, as well as practicing yoga daily and expressing myself through painting.