Community Gardens & Orchards

Community gardens and orchards are a wonderful resource for the community. Whether you have no garden space at home and would like to grow food, or if you want to get to know people in your local area, the following organizations will be of interest.

Community gardens

Taranaki community gardens include:

  • Bell Block Community Garden 

    There is a community garden in Bell Block behind the Northpoint Church. It has established a little orchard too. Gardeners usually meet every Saturday morning from 9am.  

    Address: Behind Northpoint Baptist Church 
    Contact: Verna Balsom ‭(, 06 216 4783‬ or 020 414 74330) 

  • St Mary's Community Garden - Hawera

    The perfect spot has been secured for South Taranaki's newest community garden. Work has already started on preparing the whenua (land) at Hawera's St Mary's Anglican Church. The space will bring people together to connect while providing the community with fresh vegetables. Get in touch if you are keen to get involved.

    Address: 206 Princes Street, Hawera (Saint Mary’s Anglican Church)

    Contact: Email Alice or at 027 460 3219

  • Inglewood Community Garden 

    The Inglewood garden supports the Inglewood Foodbank, delivering fresh produce to the community. Usually Friday mornings 9.30am - 10.30am is when parcels are packed. 

    Address: 23 Rimu St, Inglewood 

    Contact: Email Arnold Coch or at 027 282 2106

  • Marfell Community Garden - New Plymouth

    Established in November 2020, the surrounding community is involved in running and maintaining the 400 square meters of garden space. Working bees are held biweekly on Sundays from 2 pm - 4 pm.

    Address: Bottom of Endeavor Street, Marfell along the walkway

    Contact: Dominic Bell email: or phone: 027 203 9791

  • Glenpark Ave Community Garden - New Plymouth

    Officially a community garden space in autumn of 2022, this Huatoki walkway garden has been in the pipeline for over a year. With several activated neighbors igniting a passion for neighborly sharing and connectivity, this garden is bound to bring people together. A planning committee is forming and is currently led by Erin. Please get in touch to impart your vision and be part of the planning process.

    Address: on the walkway between 29 & 31 Glenpark Ave


  • New Start Gardens - New Plymouth

    Newstart Garden grows organic food that is delivered to people in need. The various garden sections are run by volunteers and are a facility for education and community groups. Some produce is sold to fund running costs. The gardens are owned by the SDA church. 

    Address: Saxton Rd, New Plymouth 
    Contact: 021 188 5922 

  • Parihaka Papakāinga - Te Maara Hapori o Parihaka 

    Sustainability, Te Reo Māori language revitalisation, collectivity, tino rangatiratanga and peaceful resistance all meld into one at Te Māra Hapori ki Parihaka, the Parihaka community gardens. The garden and food forest support the 3 Marae and community as well as providing a peaceful place to work together, fulfilling the legacy of Tohu Kākahi and Te Whiti o Rongomai of looking after one another and building positive relationships. Regular working bees are held during the year, including Puanga, spring planting and autumn harvest.   

    Address: Mid-Parihaka Road, Parihaka 
    Contact: Emily Bailey (, 021 0376737) 

  • Te Moeone garden - Tarereare / Katere-ki-te-moana Marae 

    The marae garden Te Moeone and its activities strongly align with the Ngāti Tawhirikura hapū aspirations and is a conduit for positive whānau and wider community engagement. Kai/food and kaitiakitanga/guardianship of land and people are primary foundations for positive health and wellbeing of whanau, hapū, iwi and community. 

    Address: Kātere Marae 11 Cody Place, Waiwhakaiho New Plymouth 
    Contact: Glen Skipper (

  • WISE Community Maara

    Address: 97 Mould Street Waitara

    Contact: Shimmy on 0508 238837

Vegetable garden with wooden trellises, several rows of leafy greens, next to a shed, with trees in the background.

Community and Accessible Orchards

There are a number of council managed community orchards in Waitara, New Plymouth and Okato:

  • Milne Place Reserve (at end of Milne Place, New Plymouth). 

  • Bayly Road Orchard (top of Bayly Road, New Plymouth). 

  • Brois Street 'Sheppards Bush' Reserve (access via Brois Street, New Plymouth, adjacent to Budleigh Street to street access way). 

  • Barclay Park (access via Strange Street, Waitara beside railway corridor land). 

  • Okato Neighbourhood Park (corner Carthew Street and South Road (SH45)). 

Community Fruit Harvesting Taranaki, which organises collections of unwanted fruit for charities, is always looking for volunteers and leaders to initiate a harvest in your local area. They also make jam, chutney, and pickles to preserve the excess produce.

If you know of other stockists/retailers/suppliers/services or all around fantastic sustainable sources, please let us know so that we can include them.