Energy Efficiency

According to the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, many businesses can save up to 20% on their annual energy bills. From energy efficient milking sheds to green fleets, there are a wealth of resources and tools to help you on your energy efficiency journey. Making your business more energy efficient has benefits beyond those in financial savings, it can also help you reduce maintenance costs, reduce your carbon foot print, making the work environment more conformable for staff and enhancing your brand.

Getting Started

Before you can start on your energy saving journey you need to know your baseline - what energy are using now and in what areas of your operations. This will differ widely for different sectors, such as agriculture, commercial, industrial and transport. EECA has a great energy journey tool to help you get your head around your current energy use. Enter your current usage and it provides estimates of how much you could save if you made changes, with bench-marking against similar businesses, guiding you on how to get stated.

Taking Action

Once you have used the energy journey tool you can start the process of planning what projects to implement to make savings. These may be some quick wins to start with, to bring on board your team before tackling bigger projects. Whatever industry you are in, the EECA business website provides a wealth of information on areas you can look into to create savings, including a number of types of business.

Local service providers

Once you have planned your projects there are a number of local service providers that can assist you to implement changes:

Green fleet options

See our green transport page for local hybrid and electric car lease suppliers

Sustainable building designers and builders

See our building and renovation page for information on local installers.

Solar panel and renewable energy system installers

See our solar panel page for information on local installers.

Insulation installation companies

See our insulation and glazing page for information on local installers.

Retrofit double glaziers

See our insulation and glazing page for information on local installers.

LED Lighting installers

See our lighting page for information on local installers.

Health and ventilation

See our heating page for information on local installers.

If you know of other stockists/retailers/suppliers/services or all round fantastic sustainable sources please let us know so that we can share.