Mitre 10 Helping Hands Community Initiative - Marfell Community Garden Roof Shout on 2 May 2021
Mitre 10 MEGA New Plymouth teamed up with the Marfell Community Garden to offer this fantastic community-led project, some much-needed resources, and time.
The partnership was already well underway, with the construction of a shed for the community to utilise as storage and organisational space. On Sunday 2nd May, Mitre 10 staff joined in on the monthly working bee which was also a Roof Shout and a potluck BBQ to celebrate progress since the first dig in November 2020. The alignment comes as part of Mitre 10 New Plymouth’s Helping Hands project, which will see the Mitre 10 team getting out and about alongside their community.
Adriana from Proof and Stock Coffee Roasters lending a hand with her whanau
As part of the working bee, Mitre 10 MEGA New Plymouth have turned the Marfell Community Garden’s wish list into reality by donating the shed structure, a lawnmower, line trimmer, garden tools, lawn care items, fruit trees and seedlings.
The garden shed was a collaborative effort, designed by one of the volunteers, Andrew French, then built by Mitre 10 team member Phil Southall, and the Mitre 10 Trade team. Andrew also donated a Corokia hedge, feijoa trees, and a mulberry, as well as the decorative shed door. Local roofer, Jamie Rogers, donated the roofing iron and fixed the cladding, roof, and gutters to the shed. He also supplied a water collection system connected to the downpipes.
Everything the community needs to boost the space into a thriving community garden has been supplied by our local Mitre 10 team, including a bbq to entertain future gatherings in the warmer months.
Nicole Attrill from Mitre 10 Marketing says “The Mitre 10 team are really excited to launch the Helping Hands framework into our community.”
Rebecca from Mitre 10 and Steve from Sustainable Taranaki at the Marfell Community Garden Roof Shout
Traditionally as a locally owned and operated business we have always heavily supported community events, and projects. Helping Hands will still encompass these projects but also offer an extension that will see the team getting out in the community to make a difference.
The shed is a great example of Mitre 10 and the community working together, and this culminates with the gifting of the wish list items, and the team helping with the winter planting. It’s going to be a great use of resources and the benefits will impact the community for the future. The Mitre 10 team really enjoyed working side by side with the community that is making great things happen at the Marfell Community Garden, and we look forward to helping more.”
For more information, email the Helping Hands project.
Learn more about the Community Gardens Program.
Read about Mitre 10 New Plymouth’s Pot Recycling Program
Read more about the Marfell Community Garden progress. Planning hui’s are held every 4 weeks at 53 Endeavor Street, and working bees are held every 2 weeks (both on Sunday at 2pm).
Read more about the Pataka Kai and the neighboring Super Swop Stop.
From left, Ruth Phister and Urs Signer weeding at the Marfell Community Garden
Mitre 10 MEGA sent their team to build the frame of the shed, a week before the Roof Shout and working bee on May 2nd.
The roof and cladding were supplied and installed by JRogers Roofing Limited. Jamie Rogers who lives nearby also installed the water collection system.