Our staff's favourite stories of 2023!
We asked our staff to share one of their favourite moments during the past year. Here is what they said!
Alice - Celebrating one year of the St Mary’s Community Garden
It was a great coming together as a community to celebrate 1 year of the St Mary's Community Garden. As well as acknowledging how far we had grown in such a short period of time, it was also a time to thank all the wonderful contributors to the space - individuals, community groups, schools, workshop hosts alongside those that have helped with donations - all contributing to help the space to thrive!
Dave - Plastic Free July
My biggest highlight of the year was challenging myself to go plastic-free at the supermarket for Plastic Free July. Admittedly, I failed on my very first shop, taking home a bunch of fairtrade organic bananas that were wrapped in a plastic sticker, and a block of mozzarella cheese sealed in soft plastic for food safety reasons. After these initial fumbles, I hardened my resolve and explored solutions like making my own fresh cheese, sourcing fresh milk sold in glass bottles, going back to baking my own sourdough bread. For the rest of the month all my supermarket purchases were unpackaged fresh produce, tinned foods or items sold in cardboard or paper packaging. While I haven’t remained entirely plastic free following this self-made challenge, I have cut out a lot of unnecessary plastic from my life. Easy enough to keep to bulk purchasing at stores like Down to Earth Organics and Bin Inn, using my own reusable containers and looking at ways I can make my own food and avoid creating any waste from food packaging in the first place. This was my sustainability highlight for 2023 proving that a plastic-free supermarket shopping is ACHIEVABLE!!!!
Lexi - Collecting Rubbish
It's disheartening to see the amount of litter that is floating around in our environment. However, it gives me hope when I see people taking the initiative to pick it up while they are out for a walk. Sometimes, they manage to fill a small bag with the rubbish they collect, and they do it all without seeking recognition.
Darlene - Taiao Toa
To toil the land
To connect and ground
To feed ones soul
And be one with the sounds
Manu are singing
Insects are lingering
Tawhirimatea whispering
While humans are hindering
Our Taiao has been declining
Our thought processes need refining
Stop the construction
It only leads to destruction
What will we leave behind in our wake
A big mess in the Taiao, for our children to take
So stop your habits of want and greed
Stop and reassess what you really don't need
Clear air, clean food, clean water to drink
Simple pleasures in life with peace and space to think
The love of your whanau
Good health and good heart...
If we all begin today
At least it's a start
Jen - SBT Celebration
Kia ora tātou - ko Jen taku ingoa. My work over the past few years has meant a lot of computer time. Taking on the role of the Sustainable Backyards Trail coordinator still required a device as a third arm, but I did manage to get out during the Trail to meet hosts. On occasion, I got to sit down at the end of the day with a beer and have a good yarn - relaxed, friendly and honest conversations about what works and what doesn't were invaluable. This inspired me to organise the SBT Celebration - an open invite to anyone involved or wanting to be involved with the Trail to get together, share kai, beverages, and ideas in a relaxed and social atmosphere. This event was the jewel in the Trail for me, and I can't wait to work with what was shared. Ngā mihi nui!
Jane - Te Ara Taiao
Tuhi Ao Bailey and Timoti King sharing korero with Omata Te Ara Taiao leaders.
This photo was taken at Te Kauta (Cape Egmont), where Te Ara Taiao were hosted by Taranaki Iwi kaimahi, and invited to do some restoration planting at the significant coastal site. Students from Coastal Taranaki, Omata and Oakura Schools had split and grown purei, a native wetland species, and some karaka grown from locally sourced seed.
Elric - More Than Numbers
In the past 8 months, we engaged with lots of people (182) and removed (& sorted) litres and litres of rubbish (2770) from our beautiful local taiao. But I think the most important part isn’t all these numbers but the connections all these events created. People got together, outside, doing a positive action as a group, as a community. Watching all the discussions happening while people were picking up rubbish is one of my favourite moments of 2023.