News & Community Stories
Read these inspiring local stories about going above and beyond to ensure a sustainable future in Taranaki.
Bring It! - Kracken Good (for the planet) Coffee
When someone has a kraken as their logo, you look a little closer, wanting to know a little bit more!
Reusable Container Campaign
Sustainable Taranaki is working with New Plymouth District Council on a BYO Container Campaign, as a follow-on from the "Bring it" Coffee Cup Campaign…
Attention Hot Drink Enthusiasts! What does your cup say about you?
While we are all on board with the love of hot drinks, how about a call to action? Let’s take it a step further and make our habit environmentally responsible.
Bring It! A campaign on reusables
Wherever you’re coming from, it has never been this easy to be environmentally smart while also being rewarded for getting a takeaway coffee. More than 40 New Plymouth cafes are accepting BYO cups and giving discounts of between 20c to $1 when customers bring their own cup.
Takeaway Throwaways Taranaki
Single-use takeaway containers are a big issue, so it’s no surprise that businesses have come up with ideas to reduce their waste and bring awareness to the alternatives. Some coffee shops, food stalls, and sushi storefronts, for instance, are meeting their customers halfway by providing compostable containers. But is this solving the problem, or creating a bigger one?
Borrow A Cup! Escape Coffee Takes on Exciting Initiative to Minimise Waste
There are 178 other coffee retailers in New Zealand that have also implemented “Borrow A Cup” which are stainless steel, reusable cups that come in two sizes (eventually pint size for the keen festival goer…hint hint WOMAD), and cost $3.