Takirua, Winter Action for Te Ara Taiao
In the māra, ngahere, awa, and moana, Te Ara Taiao learners have moved into the Winter season of activities.
Many schools in Taranaki now lead Puanga celebrations in the community to mark the Māori new year. The Te Ara Taiao team were invited to some beautiful dawn celebrations under clear, still Taranaki skies.
‘Karakia and waiata were shared to remember those who had passed, express gratitude, and hope for our future,’ said Tāne Manu, Kaiwhakahaere for the Te Ara Taiao programme.
Ōmata School community celebrating Puanga, supported by Ngā Mahanga a Tairi hapū members, June 2023. Photo: Tāne Manukonga
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Students at Toko School have been learning about the importance of repo or wetlands alongside Kairuruku, Marie Gregory-Hunt. Our ancient wetlands in Taranaki are under serious threat. They are necessary for healthy whenua.
Ākonga from Toko School learning how to measure water clarity and temperature. Photo: Marie Gregory-Hunt
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Rahotu School students have been helping in the māra at Parihaka. Students lent a hand to help with preparations for Puanga celebrations. Practical, seasonal learning around a Maramataka, a Māori calendar based on seasonal tohu or environmental markers, can help connect us to the land and to know the best time to harvest, rest, prepare or plant.
Rahotu School students helping with final harvests from the māra at Parihaka. Photo: Hineana Todd
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Students in the Kaitake rohe have been monitoring some of the kiwi released in Te Papakura o Taranaki. As well as volunteering to help the Taranaki Kiwi Trust monitor recently released kiwi, students have been raising awareness of kiwi in the community by creating public displays and information.
Digital visitor information designed by students from Ōmata and Ōakura Schools. Photo: TRC
Ōmata School students searching for signals from kiwi using telemetry equipment. Photo: Jane Bowden Dobson