What is the Taranaki Timebank?
Have you heard about the Taranaki Timebank? It is putting the Unity back in CommUNITY - Rarangahia Tātou, and we want to invite you to bring your passion for a more sustainable world to timebanking.
Timebanking is a complementary currency where we exchange skills and knowledge for time-credits (not dissimilar to Green Dollars) and in the process, we build stronger community connections and community resilience. There are over 20 Timebanks in Aotearoa, all working to build a more sustainable future.
Recent celebration of Neighbour Day Aotearoa in Waitara.
So how does Timebanking work?
Perhaps you like upsewing, or could fix a fence, can do grammar checks for reports, or offer swimming lessons?
Every hour you spend helping someone, you earn one time credit. Then you can spend those time credits on anything offered in the Timebank, or make a specific request. It’s easy and fun!
You could spend your credits getting help in the garden, getting dinners made for the week, or perhaps your dryer broke and you need to dry your clothes. You can pay time credits to access these resources and skills! And in the process, you will get to know your neighbours, build reciprocity and trust, and knit together a community.
We also have an Upsewing programme and hold many events all encouraging whanaungatanga, reducing waste, and skill sharing.
We would love to have you on board and contribute to building a circular economy that values everyone’s contribution equally!
South Taranaki get-together organised by the Taranaki Timebank.
How to join?
If you would like to become a member, simply fill out this form and Alana (North Coordinator), Amy (South Coordinator), or Jo (Pātea/Waverley) will invite you to an in-person or online Get Started session.
Contact the Taranaki Timebank at north.ttb@gmail.com or TTB.SouthMain@outlook.com
You can visit their website here: www.taranaki.timebanks.org and connect with the TTB on Facebook and Instagram!