Te Ara Taiao

Te Ara Taiao is a collaboration between local hapū, the Department of Conservation, Sustainable Taranaki, and others. Te Ara Taiao aims to enhance connections between schools, hapū and community so that students can get involved alongside others and develop environmental leadership to enhance the mauri and ecology of the Whenua, Awa and Moana.

Te Ara Taiao seeks to support the fulfilment of personal potential, aligning aspirations of mana whenua and the wider community. Te Ara Taiao provides continuous learning experiences that are embedded in the different rohe (area) within Taranaki’s natural and cultural environment, from childhood to rangatahi to adulthood.

Te Ara Taiao helps young people to understand who they are, where they are, and how they can contribute to the well-being of Maunga Taranaki and their local rohe. Students experience strong school-community relationships, a sense of service towards a common good, a seasonal rhythm to their interaction, and connection across educational, cultural and community settings.


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