SeedSavers Taranaki

Seedsavers Taranaki is a group of people who share, swap and have fun saving and growing NZ open-pollinated seed local to Taranaki and beyond.

Why save your own seeds? 

As seedsavers we are continuing the traditional food growing techniques of our parents, our grandparents and their parents – that of selecting the best and healthiest plants and saving the seed for next season’s planting.

Seedsavers select and grow the plants that grow best in their local area, taste best and are resistant to local pests and diseases. Many commercial seeds are hybrids and if seed is saved from these plants they will not breed true.

How to save your own seed?

Self Pollinating: Lettuce, tomatoes and beans (except for runners and broad beans) are easy for beginners because they produce seed in their first year and are self pollinating.

Cross Pollinating: Different varieties of carrots, onions, brassicas, corn, pumpkin, runner beans and broad beans will cross with each other. If you want to keep your seed pure (retain the characteristics of your seed) only grow one variety at a time to prevent cross pollination.

Join the group

Seedsavers Taranaki has regular get-togethers and workshops. The group is open to all who are interested in saving seeds. Join the group by clicking the link below. You will be sent the latest updates on gatherings and group news.

Seed banks available Taranaki wide

Seed banks have a selection of ‘potluck’ seed. There is a risk that potluck seed might not grow true, although you will still get something edible. 

Brooklands Enviro-Hub

Brooklands Park Drive, Brooklands, New Plymouth
Opening times: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 10am - 2pm

Hāwera Herb Group

3rd or 4th Sunday Afternoon

Hāwera Crop Swap

1st Saturday of each month
2 pm at Presbyterian Centre
Argyle Street, Hāwera

Horticutural Society Group

1st Wednesday
Community Centre, Hāwera

Upsewing, Creative Centre, Hāwera

Princes Street
2nd Tuesday 9.30am, 3rd Wednesday 6.30pm

Pātea Library

128 Egmont Road, Pātea
Opening times: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm Sat 9.30am - 12pm
Closed Sundays and public holidays

Community House/Women’s Centre

Leach Street, New Plymouth
P: 06 756 6192
Opening times: Mon-Thur 9.30 am – 3 pm

North Taranaki Community & Information Centre

67 McLean Street, Waitara
P: 06 754 8924
Opening times: Mon-Fri 9 am-3.30 pm

Fun Ho! Museum & Inglewood Information Centre

25 Rata Street, Inglewood
P: 06 756 7030
Opening times: Mon-Sun 10am-2pm

Stratford Library

Prospero Place, Stratford
P: 06 765 5403
Opening times: Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm
Saturday: 9am – 12pm

Crafty Fox co-op, Ōakura

Shop 1, The Village Mews, 1155 South Road, Ōakura
P: 06 752 4822
Opening times: Mon 9:30am-1pm, Tuesday - Sunday 9:30am-4pm

Want to know more?