Tips For Using More Clean Energy
In NZ we are lucky to produce a lot of renewable electricity so you can make an impact by changing what you do to use more of those renewables whether you invest in solar or not. See our tips below on this followed by more information on solar.
Knowing you are using renewable electricity and encouraging investment in more renewables is messy. That’s as:
Even generators marketing 100% renewable energy in their generation assets typically sale or swap this with other generators that use coal and gas and then sell you this “dirty” power;
new renewable electricity generation is increasingly “intermittent”. Best when it is sunny or windy. To accelerate investment in these, we need to use more of our power at these times.
So what are some of the things you can do?
1. Choose a CarbonZero electricity retailer.
Look for retailers committed to Carbon Zero in their supply of electricity (i.e. Ecotricity). They make sure they offset any carbon and help new investors in renewables get a better return.
This is different from a retailer that markets 100% renewable electricity generation assets as the latter can still buy gas or coal electricity to sell to you to make an extra buck.
2. Simply start changing when you use power or choose a retailer that helps you know when there is more green power (and ideally rewards you for using it)
Use more electricity when there is lots of sun and wind, and less when demand is very high such as very cold winter evenings and mornings. Energy efficiency tips can help you do this but focus on using the tips to change when you use power.
Some retailers help you use more renewables at these times. For ideas check out Blueskin Energy Network who tell you good times to use power and share the savings. Flick and Genesis apps share information on how green power is.
Things you can change include using timers on dishwashers, washing machines or driers; changing what you cook on different days to suit the forecast (including using a slow cooker for sunny days); when you charge your EV; and when you heat hot water or run (commercial) chillers.
3. Install solar PV (and change when you use power)
NZ predicts it will need a lot of new renewable generation in the coming years. So take action yourself and install solar. And when you do, make sure you change when you use electricity to use your solar and reduce peak demand for carbon generation. This can involve a lot of small changes see tip two), investment in battery, thermal or other storage and/ or smart management devices. SEANZ provides a list of reputable solar installers for a competitive quote. SolarCity New Zealand even offer solar panels and storage where you just pay for your power as you use it.
For commercial/community property developers, solar as a community asset can enhance eco impact and returns – so long as your energy community is designed to use power when the sun shines, avoid network peaks and as an embedded or secondary network.
4. Buy or “share” an electric car or bike
Transport is a big part of our carbon energy use. With our 80% renewables in NZ, switching to electric transport is a quick way to make a big impact. We will be sharing more clean transport tips.