Nau mai, Haere mai
Ko te āhua o te taiao tētahi wakarerenga ka waihotia ake tātou ki ngā reanga whakeheke.
Knowledge of the environment is a waka we wish to leave behind for future generations.
News & Community Stories
Item 1 of 6
Ko te āhua o te taiao tētahi wakarerenga ka waihotia ake tātou ki ngā reanga whakeheke.
Knowledge of the environment is a waka we wish to leave behind for future generations.
Eco-sourcing, sustainable education and students involvement: learn about this Francis Douglas Memorial College’s project.
Since 2021, Te Ara Taiao has been involved in translocating and releasing 250 Kiwi in Te Papakura o Taranaki, and the results have been inspiring…
Sat. 29 March // From 12pm
ALL WELCOME! Free pizzas, get to know your neighbours, music, games and more!
Comp closes 30 April.
Purchase something from the Junction Reuse Shop, upcycle it and WIN!
1st Sat. of each month // 10am
Join us for an interactive tour and see where your recycling is sorted and why it’s so important.
Wipe your dishes (or produce) with these cool tea towels!
Price: $15 / tea towel
Lots of different events where you can help YOUR community to be more sustainable!
Concerts, Sport events, Festivals, Community Gardens, Cleanups and MORE!
Weekends // All around Taranaki
Support our local growers, artisans and artists! Find below where and when are the local markets in Taranaki!
Te Ara Taiao aims to enhance connections between schools, hapū and community so that students can get involved & develop environmental leadership to enhance the mauri & ecology of the Whenua, Awa and Moana.
Every business and event has the potential to create a lasting, positive impact on the environment. If you're ready to take the next step in your sustainability journey, we're here to support you.
We are involved in many events, education programs, DIY and gardening projects throughout the region and we need YOUR support!
Community gardens & orchards are wonderful resources. Whether you have no garden at home but would like to grow food, or want to get to know people, the following organisations are for you!
10 days of visiting more than 25 properties talking with gardeners and DIY enthusiasts, followed by a week of touring around innovative and sustainable buildings and farms!
From 14 April the Junction Zero Waste Hub will be hold a series of 'Zero Waste' workshops at the Brooklands Envirohub. Limited tickets!