Ditch the bottle for the bar - MamaGaia helping to solve our plastic problem
MamaGaia repurposed plastic soap dishes - so colourful!
There are lots of ways to help our environment, and live a little lighter this holiday season. Therefore, we are proud to feature Karen Danenhauer from MamaGaia as our Sustainable Business Champion this month for her ingenuity in repurposing plastic into soap dishes. This useful household item encourages the use of bar soap rather than plastic pump bottles, thus minimising the use of plastic for the consumer. Her efforts are twofold and taking place right here in Oakura.
Karen in her workshop
The plastic shredder
Karen tells us her repurposing plastic journey:
“A couple years ago I started becoming very alarmed with the plastic waste accumulating on our planet, and in my search looking into how to fix this, I came across PreciousPlastic.com.
There, I got the idea to start recycling plastic, small scale in my garage. I started collecting used plastic from my community, without really knowing where this was going to lead. I found a plastic shredding machine for sale in NZ, and started shredding heaps of used plastic, after I cleaned and sorted it.
I struggled for a while about what to do with the mounds of shredded plastic, but eventually came up with the idea to make soap dishes. Soap dishes encourage bar soap and shampoo use, and less liquids equates to less single use plastic waste, and so I feel this is a way to eliminate that waste stream.
Eventually, I bought a small hand-operated injection machine, had a mould made by an "artisien plasticien" in France, and got started making the soap dishes by hand.
I've had a lot of little struggles along the way. For example, the injection machine I bought from Malaysia kept having electrical issues (although it wasn't clear to me that's what the problem was - I thought it was my technique that was at fault!). Over lockdown, the machine resided with an electrician in Benneydale who had worked on PreciousPlastic machines before. Eventually it was fixed and has been working beautifully since then. I've now got the technique down and when things are running smoothly, I can hand-make 5 dishes/hour, although of course this doesn't count the time put into cleaning and shredding the plastic.
The colours in the soap dishes come from the plastic that gets shredded - there is nothing added beyond the plastic. I use types 2 and 5 plastic - even little bits that wouldn't otherwise be recycled. I have also recently gotten a new mould - for hanging soap dishes. In the last few months, I have got my website up and running and have sold quite a few dishes around New Zealand. There are also a few shops that are carrying the dishes - including the Collaboration, the Egmont Honey shop, and the Oakura Pharmacy.
I am involving my community of Oakura as much as possible; from the beginning there have been friends who have helped with various aspects of this project. Lately I've been inviting Oakura locals to stop by when I know I will be making soap dishes. I think it's very constructive to hear people's feedback and ideas for how to progress. (In fact, it was a friend stopping by during one of my "open workshops" who encouraged me to get in touch with Sustainable Taranaki). I have been helped with funding from the NPDC Waste Levy Fund, as well as a voucher from Regional Business Partners and TGM to help with marketing.”
Bars and Jars, not plastic bottles
Here is a list of soap bar and eco-friendly toiletry makers in Taranaki and New Zealand that we really love:
Papa Toa - Hand sanitisers and sanitising trolly sprays. All balms are 100% chemical-free and sourced locally, following traditional practices of sourcing, picking and manufacturing with karakia and karanga used in every step. They also have the capacity to do special blends on order, such as kawakawa and hemp seed balms, extra smooth blend and more.
Everkind - Natural deodorant, insect repellent, salves and balms. These products are award winning and made right here in Taranaki.
Kawakawa Kottage Krafts - Soap, shampoo bars and balms. Based at 5 Rerenga Street, Mokau. Collect and letterbox deliveries weekly, online payment. Ph: 0221 396 775
Kahuka Natural Handmade Soaps - Liquid soaps, shampoos and household cleaners made the old fashioned way. Order refills and stainless steel pump bottles.
Watts Good Creations - Hāwera, homemade soaps, toxic-free cleaning products. Krsytel sometimes delivers to New Plymouth, so need will be on case by case.
Pure Peony - Healing Hair Shampoo and Conditioner Bars.
Ethique - Made in Christchurch and sold at Countdown and Egmont Honey, they offer a wide range of shampoo and conditioner bars for all hair types. Try the Wonderbar!
Have yourself a sustainable Christmas this year!
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