Exciting news coming out of the Junction Zero Waste Hub!
Find below the list of upcoming workshops and tours!
You might have noticed that the REUSE SHOP has been closed for about a month and that the ‘Alternate Recycling Wall’ has temporarily relocated to the Envirohub (next to Brooklands Zoo). We’ve also only been able to host tour groups arriving by bus. The second phase of the project development has meant some temporary changes to operations.
WISE, NPDC & Sustainable Taranaki are excited to announce that the REUSE SHOP will officially be REOPENING from Saturday the 30th of September!!!
We are expecting the shop and drop-off to be very busy so please be considerate if you are planning on visiting.
This means that the alternate recycling drop-off for milk bottle tops, coffee pods, aluminium can tabs, etc. will be returning to the Zero Waste Hub.
The temporary drop-off in Pukekura Park will no longer be available as of October 2023 and you will be able to bring these items to the Junction once again.
With the public carpark reopening that also means the education team are once again able to offer free tours of The Junction to all groups. So if you have a group of 10 or more interested in seeing what happens inside the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) head to the www.thejunction.org.nz and book online or email tours@sustainabletaranaki.org.nz.
We will be holding two public tours during the second week of the school holidays on Wednesday the 4th of October (10:00 AM & 12:30 PM). While tours are normally free, for school holidays, we ask a $5 booking fee per person (reimbursed as a $5 voucher for the REUSE Shop on the day of the tour). More information and tickets here.
Staying on the topic of the School Holidays, the Junction Zero Waste Hub will be hosting two Family-Friendly Workshops at the Envirohub (28 Brooklands Park Drive, Pukekura Park – next to Brooklands Zoo). Kids bring your parents to our Zero Waste Pizza Party – DIY Sourdough and Mozzarella Workshop! Bring 2 x Jars and take home a sourdough starter and balls of fresh mozzarella after the workshop. Friday the 29th of September & 6th of October 12:30PM – 3PM. Tickets are available from the Junction website and are already selling out, so get in quick! More information and tickets here.
Dave, Junction Zero Waste Hub Education Coordinator
The Junction – Zero Waste Hub
Junction REUSE Shop open from Saturday the 30th of September
“Alternate Recycling” back at The Junction REUSE Shop from October
Tours are open to all groups again from October
Workshops / Events - The Junction
Friday 29th September Pizza Workshop - info & tickets here
Wednesday 4th October Public Tours (AM or PM) - info & tickets here
Friday 6th October Pizza Workshop - info & tickets here
The Junction - Zero Waste Hub: Website - Facebook - Instagram