Kiwis Create Life-long Memories
Ngā Motu students saw Kiwis up close for the first time at Pukeiti before the manu (birds) were released on the Kaitake Ranges.
"The Kiwis were amazing - we named the girl Āwhina which means helpful,” says Olive Glasglow (10) from Ōmata School.
“She has a bigger beak than the boy Kiwi!"
Coastal Taranaki School, Ōakura School, Te Kōpae Piripono, Westown School, Spotswood College, Taranaki Activity Centre, and Te Pi'ipi'inga kakano mai i Rangiatea pupils also met some of the eight Kiwis released by Taranaki Kōhanga Kiwi at Rotokare - a 10-year partnership between Taranaki Kiwi Trust & Rotokare Scenic Reserve Trust.
The schools participated through our Te Ara Taiao project that’s creating environmental leaders who also attended two Kiwi releases last year.
Students had to apply to be selected for the year-long program that connects tamariki with hapū, Taranaki Māunga, awa (river), and community.
Westown School’s Drea Bailey (10) was amazed by the 1.5kg birds.
"I didn't expect Kiwis to be so big and have such a long beak!"
Principal Kim Theyers said it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the kids who will remember the experience for the rest of their lives.
“It’s so important to protect Kiwis for the future so everyone can enjoy them for years to come.”