New Plymouth Implements three-month recycling bin ban - we’re here to help!
Borrowed from Seven Sharp Facebook Feed
Our district has identified those households continuing to break the recycling rules. There is a three step process before the final action is taken to enforce a three-month recycling bin ban, and recently there were around 50 households who have been banned at the start of 2021. We see this as an opportunity for all of us as a community to learn and become better recyclers.
Our Taranaki region prides itself on its sustainable efforts, and we are here to help. Sustainable Taranaki provides education, workshops, and tours at The Junction - Zero Waste Hub on Colson Road. The Recycling/Zero Waste tours are free and can be booked for your group, family, school, kindergarten, business or organisation.
Another recent article, Mixed results in NPDC audit of kerbside recycling bins identifies “a rise in non-recyclable rubbish being dumped in recycling bins,” and this “has prompted calls for people to lift their Zero Waste awareness.” Learn more about what can be recycled and what can not, and the opportunities to do the right thing with our waste, such as batteries, on the Zero Waste website and the NPDC Recycling Guide.
The Junction Reuse Shop has partnered with TerraCycle to recycle household items such as tooth paste tubes, tooth brushes, razors, bread tags, bottle caps, and more! Come visit the recycling wall to find out what else can be taken regularly and make this part of your routine. There is also a Junction Shop Sales group on Facebook which enables people, much like Buy and Sell, to find pretty much anything that they need before it heads to landfill, and at very affordable prices!
Geared towards students and children, creative recycling art workshops are often held during the school holidays so check back with us regularly! Check out our Workshops page and Events Calendar to learn what’s happening in the next couple of weeks. Pictured below is a photo of the last workshop, Worm Farm and Composting.
Worm Farm and Composting Junction Workshop that took place in February 2021 on Colson Road.
Getting creative at the Junction Education Space during a plastic artwork workshop over the school holidays.
The Junction Education Room offers an interactive learning experience for all groups and ages to learn about our district’s recycling practices.
Learn more about the art sculpture, Pine Forest, and the local artist and her message behind it.
The Pine Forest sculpture created by Rose Petterson from Oakura, is not only a great photo opportunity leading into the Junction Reuse Shop and Education Space, it is also a talking point. It is constructed from treated wood offcuts from building site around Taranaki, toxic materials that would otherwise go to landfill and potentially leach into our waterways as they decompose.
School tours at the Junction, led by Erin Strampel, Junction Coordinator
Book a tour and get in touch with our team for more!