News & Community Stories

Read these inspiring local stories about going above and beyond to ensure a sustainable future in Taranaki.

Elric Aublant Elric Aublant

Puanga in Taranaki June 2020 - A Reflection

Whānau across Taranaki are currently acknowledging the new year. The rising of the star Puanga (Rigel) in the east early in the morning marks the Māori new year for Taranaki tribes.

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Sustainable Food, Gardening, Workshops Elric Aublant Sustainable Food, Gardening, Workshops Elric Aublant

Land Based Training - Opportunity to gain knowledge in Horticulture

During this period of uncertainty, people are starting to wonder where their food comes from, along with how to support their whānau. A very high percentage of the fresh fruit and vegetables available in the supermarkets come from overseas and can be at risk of undersupply. So how can we as a community remain resilient in these challenging and unpredictable times?

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Sustainability, Zero Waste, Recycling Elric Aublant Sustainability, Zero Waste, Recycling Elric Aublant

Curious Minds Project

Together with Ōpunake Communities Kindergarten, Sustainable Taranaki is embarking on its new Project “Our Green Ōpunake Journey”. This is one of the four initiatives from the Curious Minds fund supported by Venture Taranaki. Curious Minds works with school and community groups who have questions or ideas that can be explored or tested with science.

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Sustainability Elric Aublant Sustainability Elric Aublant

Hawera 2040 Movie Screening

It was a lovely Wednesday evening at the TSB Hub in Hawera for the second screening of 2040, filled with lively and interactive conversations with community members, who shared their enthusiasm in living more sustainably and proposed some great ideas to further improve our current practices.

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Sustainability Elric Aublant Sustainability Elric Aublant

2040 Movie Screening

Friends of Sustainable Taranaki, old and new, gathered to watch the screening of 2040, a positive stance on climate change and examples of how sustainable initiatives happening right now can result in a wave of potentially ideal outcomes for our future.

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Recycling, Zero Waste Elric Aublant Recycling, Zero Waste Elric Aublant

Container Deposit Schemes

For almost twenty years the organisation Envision has specialised in the community waste sector. We asked Envision Manager Matthew Luxon what he thought of the recently announced research into introducing a container deposit scheme in New Zealand. Matthew specialises in the establishment and operation of community-led, resource recovery enterprises nationally. Here is what he said.

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Sustainability, Sustainable Education Elric Aublant Sustainability, Sustainable Education Elric Aublant

2018 Impact Program Update - A Year of Change Makers

2018 has been another great year for Sustainable Taranaki's Impact program, with 143 youth undertaking 15 fantastic student-led sustainability projects throughout the Taranaki region. We have been impressed by the creativity and dedication of the youth we work alongside. These youth are not only undertaking practical real-world improvements in their local environment and communities, but through the program they are empowered to know that they can be the change makers of the future.

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