News & Community Stories
Read these inspiring local stories about going above and beyond to ensure a sustainable future in Taranaki.
10 Tips for starting your Vegetable Garden
You can easily grow your own veggies in Taranaki! Here are 10 tips from our expert!
All Heart Waitara: a new store promoting a circular economy
This new store located on Mc Lean Street, Waitara aims to cut corporate waste while building up the local community!
2023 Taranaki Green Gifting Guide
Finding the perfect gift for the sustainable enthusiast in your life can be a challenge. This Taranaki Green Gifting Guide is your compass to navigating the realm of sustainable gifting with ease.
I eat (sustainable) elephants for breakfast
Sometimes thinking about sustainability can feel so huge, you know you should do something, but you are not sure where to even start…
The new sustainable market in Taranaki aiming to Zero Waste!
Meet the Pickers Market, a new event combining sustainability and community with a zero-waste twist!
New season of Talking Taiao, the sustainable podcast in Taranaki!
After a first season and 24 inspiring episodes, Talking Taiao is BACK! 6 new episodes are on their way in 2023 for season 2!
Celebrating our Backyards
Grow your understanding of sustainable food production, harvesting and preserving through tours, workshops and events!
Exciting news coming out of the Junction Zero Waste Hub!
WISE, NPDC & Sustainable Taranaki are excited to announce that the REUSE SHOP will officially be REOPENING from Saturday 30 Sept! New workshops and tours announced…
What is the Taranaki Women’s Refuge Pop-Up Clothing Shop?
In its 9th year, The Pop-Up Shop is also Taranaki's largest sustainable clothing event! Save the date! 6 - 15 October 2023.
This non-profit regenerative market garden in Ōtaki needs YOU
Crooked Vege Ōtaki is launching a market garden with a simple but radical kaupapa. Their mission is to improve access to locally grown, sustainable kai using regenerative growing techniques.
Upsewing Extravaganza Hāwera: incredible outfits made from repurposed materials
Last month, Taranaki Timebank showcased incredible outfits made from repurposed materials in their fashion show: Upsewing Extravaganza!
Protected cycle lanes in New Plymouth? Have your say today!
NPDC has received $17m from Waka Kotahi to help make walking and cycling easier and safer for our kids and everyone else around local schools. Have your say about this project!
30 years of Sustainability in Taranaki
We celebrated our 30th anniversary at the TSB Theatre Royal! Read more about this special evening highlighting the past, the present and our future!
Takirua, Winter Action for Te Ara Taiao
Kiwi monitoring, seasonal learning in the māra (garden), Puanga celebrations: Te Ara Taiao learners have moved into the Winter season of activities.
The woman tending the volunteers who keep the Taranaki gardens growing
Stuff met with Alice, our South Taranaki Community Garden Coordinator! Learn more about her great mahi in Hāwera!
The 100 Days of Beach Cleans Exhibition in Taranaki
Meet Lorella, a local artist and educator hosting a large-scale exhibition of beach plastic artworks in New Plymouth for Plastic-Free July.
Growing food together: the success story of Hāwera’s Community Garden only one year on!
One year old! Earlier this month the St Mary’s Community Garden celebrated its 1st year… Read about this success story!
Marfell Community School leading in Closing the Loop
Marfell Community School students show leadership in closing the loop, making their in-school lunches zero waste.
Te Ara Taiao collaboration and connection to whenua
The birds at dawn reconnect us to our natural world and a sense of hope. Similarly, the Te Ara Taiao programme looks to the future by collaborating with schools, environmental leaders, hapū and iwi to empower young leaders in the Taiao.
Meet the Wash Against Waste project!
Meet Tina and the Wash Against Waste project aiming to reduce the amount of rubbish generated by our local events!