News & Community Stories

Read these inspiring local stories about going above and beyond to ensure a sustainable future in Taranaki.

Manukorihi Intermediate students care for our beaches and call our community to take action.

Thanks to Izzy Fawson, Jess McBrearty and Emma Watson for producing this educational and inspiring video which captures the students working together during their Waitara beach clean-up. Impact Program coordinators, Kent and Isabella worked alongside the students to help educate the community about waste and where it ends up.

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Sustainable Food, Sustainability Elric Aublant Sustainable Food, Sustainability Elric Aublant

Waitoriki & Inglewood Crop Swap 7 Years Strong

Waitoriki & Inglewood Crop Swap continues to put a smile on everyone’s faces, as a strong wave of community aroha is felt by regulars and visitors alike who attend to swap their backyard produce, seedlings and excess household products. One of the first Crops Swaps to be established in Zealand, it is still as popular as when it began.

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Sustainability, Sustainable Shopping Elric Aublant Sustainability, Sustainable Shopping Elric Aublant

6 Tips for a Sustainable Wardrobe

Properly care for the clothes you already have. This sounds quite obvious but it’s good to keep in mind. What have you got already? Do you really need more? If you care properly for what you’ve already got, they will last longer and you won’t need to be buying more things. And if your clothes need some fixing, have a look at our list of shops that can help you out.

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Sustainability, Recycling Elric Aublant Sustainability, Recycling Elric Aublant

Know your Plastics?

Plastic waste is one of the main causes of pollution around the world. What’s the best solution to this problem? Reducing, reusing and refusing! We too often end up purchasing plastic that we cannot reuse, and the next best thing we can do is to recycle them. What plastic can be recycled will depend on where you are.

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Sustainability, Sustainable Homes, Community Elric Aublant Sustainability, Sustainable Homes, Community Elric Aublant

Zero Interest Loans to Create Sustainable Homes and Gardens

Ngā Whare Ora Taiao o Ngāmotu provides support to households to undertake a wide range of sustainability improvements to both their house and their property, repaying the costs through a voluntary targeted rate over a five or nine year period. In the process, local suppliers receive work, the local economy, health and our resilience in the face of climate change is boosted.

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Sustainability, Zero Waste, Recycling Elric Aublant Sustainability, Zero Waste, Recycling Elric Aublant

Curious Minds Project

Together with Ōpunake Communities Kindergarten, Sustainable Taranaki is embarking on its new Project “Our Green Ōpunake Journey”. This is one of the four initiatives from the Curious Minds fund supported by Venture Taranaki. Curious Minds works with school and community groups who have questions or ideas that can be explored or tested with science.

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Sustainability Elric Aublant Sustainability Elric Aublant

Hawera 2040 Movie Screening

It was a lovely Wednesday evening at the TSB Hub in Hawera for the second screening of 2040, filled with lively and interactive conversations with community members, who shared their enthusiasm in living more sustainably and proposed some great ideas to further improve our current practices.

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