News & Community Stories
Read these inspiring local stories about going above and beyond to ensure a sustainable future in Taranaki.
Manukorihi Intermediate students care for our beaches and call our community to take action.
Thanks to Izzy Fawson, Jess McBrearty and Emma Watson for producing this educational and inspiring video which captures the students working together during their Waitara beach clean-up. Impact Program coordinators, Kent and Isabella worked alongside the students to help educate the community about waste and where it ends up.
Ground Breaking Mushrooms - Living up to its Name
Ground Breaking Mushrooms hit the New Plymouth food scene with a spring debut at the Taranaki Farmers Market just a couple of weeks ago.
Cafe Green Door - A Few Step Ahead
The team at Cafe Green Door have been doing it right for a long time, and we’d like to give them a big pat on the back for their community building efforts, local, organic, and fair-trade best practices, and their ingenuity around sustainable initiatives.
Waitoriki & Inglewood Crop Swap 7 Years Strong
Waitoriki & Inglewood Crop Swap continues to put a smile on everyone’s faces, as a strong wave of community aroha is felt by regulars and visitors alike who attend to swap their backyard produce, seedlings and excess household products. One of the first Crops Swaps to be established in Zealand, it is still as popular as when it began.
6 Tips for a Sustainable Wardrobe
Properly care for the clothes you already have. This sounds quite obvious but it’s good to keep in mind. What have you got already? Do you really need more? If you care properly for what you’ve already got, they will last longer and you won’t need to be buying more things. And if your clothes need some fixing, have a look at our list of shops that can help you out.
Borrow A Cup! Escape Coffee Takes on Exciting Initiative to Minimise Waste
There are 178 other coffee retailers in New Zealand that have also implemented “Borrow A Cup” which are stainless steel, reusable cups that come in two sizes (eventually pint size for the keen festival goer…hint hint WOMAD), and cost $3.
Know your Plastics?
Plastic waste is one of the main causes of pollution around the world. What’s the best solution to this problem? Reducing, reusing and refusing! We too often end up purchasing plastic that we cannot reuse, and the next best thing we can do is to recycle them. What plastic can be recycled will depend on where you are.
Regenerative Farming in Taranaki
Taranaki has just hosted 3 Regenerative Farming workshops titled "Building Resilience Into Farm Systems" bringing groups of 24 to 35 together near Ōpunakē, Oākura and Inglewood/Koanga Moa. These inspiring and practical Workshops were run by Jules Matthews, a Regenerative Agriculture Coach & Educator with Integrity Soils.
July Sustainable Business Champion - TGM Creative
This month our Sustainable Business Champion is TGM Creative, a family owned, local graphic design and marketing agency that recently celebrated 30 years in business.
How to make your home more eco-friendly
Caring for the environment is not about ticking a box or following a trend. Making real, sustainable lifestyle changes to reduce your impact on the natural world has to start in the home.
Zero Interest Loans to Create Sustainable Homes and Gardens
Ngā Whare Ora Taiao o Ngāmotu provides support to households to undertake a wide range of sustainability improvements to both their house and their property, repaying the costs through a voluntary targeted rate over a five or nine year period. In the process, local suppliers receive work, the local economy, health and our resilience in the face of climate change is boosted.
Slow the New Black?
One of the latest terms in the sustainable fashion industry is slow fashion, which is highly accredited to Kate Fletcher. But what is slow fashion? How different is it from ethical and eco fashion? And what is the difference between slow and fast fashion?
Curious Minds Project
Together with Ōpunake Communities Kindergarten, Sustainable Taranaki is embarking on its new Project “Our Green Ōpunake Journey”. This is one of the four initiatives from the Curious Minds fund supported by Venture Taranaki. Curious Minds works with school and community groups who have questions or ideas that can be explored or tested with science.
Peihana Farm: Maria’s Farm-to-table and Market Gardening Journey
Food event specialist, market gardener and garden-to-table cook, Maria Lempriere has used her past experiences as well as her passion for food and sustainability to develop an inspiring business model.
Darlene's Story
Darlene Gibson lives in Lepperton. In 2016 she and her family purchased 1.7 acres of fence-free land and a self-care house with shrubbery gardens. Thank you, Darlene for sharing your story with us!
Behavioural Change
Our Behavioural Change Project has just started its second year of implementation and we would like to share some insights about what year one was all about.
Bishop's Action Foundation Sustainable Response Map
This April, we'd like to recognise the Bishop’s Action Foundation (BAF) for their outstanding efforts in reducing their climate impact by implementing a Response Map. We hope these initiatives will serve as inspiration and a template for other businesses to use in our region.
Working Together to Build Sustainable Communities
Taranaki TimeBank and Sustainable Taranaki are both working towards the same goal: building sustainable and resilient communities through conscious relationships. Our partnership unites us in our goal of creating connections for those who want to grow and learn.
Claire's sustainability journey
Thank you to Claire Mullin, who is the first to share her family’s sustainable initiatives with us. Claire is based in rural Opunake. Her family produces their own meat and milk; they have pigs, sheep and cows; and are trying to reduce their home expenses by producing more of their own food.
Hawera 2040 Movie Screening
It was a lovely Wednesday evening at the TSB Hub in Hawera for the second screening of 2040, filled with lively and interactive conversations with community members, who shared their enthusiasm in living more sustainably and proposed some great ideas to further improve our current practices.