News & Community Stories
Read these inspiring local stories about going above and beyond to ensure a sustainable future in Taranaki.
Flying High Project comes to Taranaki
Taranaki was arguably the most unique in its way of celebrating this year’s Earth Day. Yes, we brought a hot air balloon to the raceway for kids and their families to ask questions, learn, and ooh and ahh.
Growing your own kai - pilot results
Our community’s interest in learning more about home-grown food was already there, but the Covid-19 lockdown definitely boosted everyone’s motivation to get their hands dirty: we all saw seeds and gardening supplies being in high demand, and how everyone decided that one of the best ways to spend the weeks at home was to get their vege garden set up.
Happy Earth Day 2021 - What is New Zealand doing?
So what is New Zealand doing? I posed this question to our Sustainable Taranaki Group of over 650 members and had mixed reviews, so I wrote a quick summary. The government actually has a comprehensive site with the information.
Eyeing the future of transport in Taranaki
With only 10 years left to constrain global warming, a dramatic step needs to be made to ensure all infrastructure, projects, products, housing and transport investments enable a low carbon future.
The Future of Transport: What's your vision for Taranaki?
Join us this 8th of April 6:30 pm at the New Plymouth Club to decide what you will do differently after hearing about our cleaner, cheaper and healthier transport choices today. First, gain speaker insights on the He Pou a Rangi/ Climate Change Commission Report and the alternative travel choices available in Taranaki (EVs, active transport, car sharing, digital working).
Bring It! A campaign on reusables
Wherever you’re coming from, it has never been this easy to be environmentally smart while also being rewarded for getting a takeaway coffee. More than 40 New Plymouth cafes are accepting BYO cups and giving discounts of between 20c to $1 when customers bring their own cup.
Super Swop Stop - The Free Op Shop
A treasure trove, a pataka kai for those in need, a library of clothes of any size – this is Super Swop Stop, the “free op shop.” Tucked away in the midst of a Spotswood neighborhood, one would drive right past.
Takeaway Throwaways Taranaki
Single-use takeaway containers are a big issue, so it’s no surprise that businesses have come up with ideas to reduce their waste and bring awareness to the alternatives. Some coffee shops, food stalls, and sushi storefronts, for instance, are meeting their customers halfway by providing compostable containers. But is this solving the problem, or creating a bigger one?
Anton’s Weta Watcher - using artificial intelligence to accelerate wildlife conservation
A lively turn out of twenty-five people attended the first Taranaki Soup event hosted by Startup Taranaki at the Do Box on 24th February. A collective $500 raised went to the winning idea - Victor Anton’s Wētā Watcher, a device that autonomously takes photos of ground-dwelling invertebrates and herpetofauna (lizards/geckos).
New Plymouth Implements three-month recycling bin ban - we’re here to help!
Our Taranaki region prides itself on its sustainable efforts, and we are here to help. Sustainable Taranaki provides education, workshops, and tours at The Junction - Zero Waste Hub on Colson Road. The Recycling/Zero Waste tours are free and can be booked for your group, family, school, kindergarten, business or organisation.
Seaweek 6th - 14th March
NZAEE Seaweek is New Zealand's annual, national week celebrating the sea funded entirely through sponsorship and in-kind support. Coordinated by Sir Peter Blake MERC since 2020 in partnership with NZ Association for Environmental Education (NZAEE).
Team Focus - Elvisa Van Der Leden
Elvisa Van Der Leden is one of our newest team members at Sustainable Taranaki, and she’s come on board wearing a few hats but mainly will be our Zero Waste Educator at The Junction - Zero Waste Hub.
Closing the Loop: New Plymouth
This April we are teaming up with Zero Waste Aotearoa to explore and understand all aspects of zero waste and the circular economy.
“Taranaki is a region rich in history, resources and fantastic people with the skills to create a sustainable and just economy fit for the future. Join the Zero Waste Network and Sustainable Taranaki to explore and understand how you can be part of the emerging circular economy at our upcoming networking event.
Team Focus - Tane Manu
Tane Manu has joined the Sustainable Taranaki tīma as an Education Coordinator for Te Ara Taiao o Kaitake Conservation Education project in the Kaitake rohe/region.
Marfell Community Garden - New Year update
Since its first hui in November, the Marfell Community Garden has made considerable progress and has brought together neighbors near and far to help develop the space. With 24 fully planted rows of vegetables, a kumara patch, corn clusters, teepees of runner beans and sunflowers as well as a perimeter of native trees…
Electricarna 2021 – Getting Noticed
It’s no surprise that more than just a few ears are pricking up at the thought of buying an electric vehicle, especially after Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced “New Zealand must ban the import of petrol and diesel cars by 2032 in order to reach its climate change targets and de-carbonise the economy.” Electricarna parallels Americarna and showcases electric vehicles (EV) and E-bikes for anyone wanting to test drive and engage with local owners.
Takeaway containers, explained
We’ve seen it all: compostable, bio-degradable, eco-friendly, plant-based... single-use takeaway containers are big issue around the world and in Aotearoa, so it’s no surprise that businesses have come up with ideas to try to reduce the impact of their coffee cups in the environment.
Low-waste camping for the summer
Summer is the best time of the year to get out and about on adventures, explore new places and spend some time relaxing, recharging and enjoying nature. If you’re travelling by car, van or motorhome, camping, hitch-hiking or renting a bach, there are really no barriers to continue to engage in our low-waste home habits.
Food Resilience Talks - event recap
How can we come together to address food security?
This was the main question that guided our actions in organising and promoting our Food Resilience Talks event on Thursday, 3rd of December. Given the importance of this topic and its growing relevance in the post-Covid context across Taranaki and Aotearoa, Sustainable Taranaki is now involved in the facilitation process to co-create a food secure communities plan for our region.
Ditch the bottle for the bar - MamaGaia helping to solve our plastic problem
There are lots of ways to help our environment, and live a little lighter this holiday season. Therefore, we are proud to feature Karen Danenhauer from MamaGaia as our Sustainable Business Champion this month for her ingenuity in repurposing plastic into soap dishes.