News & Community Stories
Read these inspiring local stories about going above and beyond to ensure a sustainable future in Taranaki.
Supporting Change in Hospitality
Barbara Olsen-Henderson's flair for plant-based kai introduced Taranaki locals to veganism but it was the staff who inspired Barbara to start recycling…
Promoting Sustainability Through Behavioural Change
With funding from TOI Foundation, Sustainable Taranaki engaged in a 3-year research project to gain a deeper understanding of what drives sustainable behaviour change in our community and how to support people along the journey.
Maara Strengthening Community
A series of events saw Tawhiti School and Hāwera High School students prepare the land for raised planter gardens. Pupils also had the opportunity to contribute their ideas for the garden plan…
Supporting Taranaki’s Waste Audit
Over three days, four team members participated in the region’s waste audit that sampled rubbish from 175 residential bins and 30 public bins…
KAItiaki Composting - A Social Enterprise
Community gardens are spaces for education, collaboration, building relationships, and healing. Not to mention, they offer a source of fresh produce and seasonally grown veggies that are locally harvested…
The Wāhine Behind Wild Pear Kitchen
While Chere believes in a small town you have to cater to everyone, what she won't budge on are her values that are the heart of her New Plymouth vegan café…
Our Tamariki and the Kiwi Release
On Friday 21st May 2021, another Kiwi was released at Pukeiti, and Tuesday 25th May the last Kiwi was released at Maungaraka under the current permit - the culmination of 3 years of planning and collaboration among many stakeholders…
Emerald and Ebony - Sustainable Wedding Planning
Weddings are one of the most memorable moments in our lives, but can also be incredibly wasteful. From single-use cutlery, plastic cups, and decorations, a wedding can produce up to 20kg of plastic waste!
Kiwis Create Life-long Memories
Ngā Motu students saw Kiwis up close for the first time at Pukeiti before the manu (birds) were released on the Kaitake Ranges.
Together We Grow - Free Film Screening
The housing crisis, 6% rise in inflation, food insecurity and social isolation from COVID-19 has forced Aotearoa communities to unite. To address these issues, Sustainable Taranaki collaborated with the Stratford District Council to host a free screening of ‘Together We Grow’.
SAVE on Your Power Bill this Winter!
Half of Kiwis live in cold damp homes and are paying more for power than they need to. This is why we’re partnering with our community to share simple tips on preserving home energy.
Electricarna 2022: EV Explained
With Venture Taranaki, we co-hosted two events in Hāwera and New Plymouth to highlight the logistics, realities, and benefits of an EV. ‘Electricarna’ allowed experts and EV users to share their knowledge and experience with more than 100 people.
Survey winners
Thank you for sharing your valuable insights
We’re grateful to learn about your preferences, barriers, and motivators for living sustainably.
Flying High Project - a free family event
In collaboration with Sustainable Taranaki, the Flying High Charitable Trust is bringing their hot air balloon to Taranaki this April 2021. The Flying High hot air balloon tour aims to promote and inspire sustainable innovation.
Business Champion - Baby Addictions
Did you know a disposable nappy contains a cup of crude oil that takes 550 years to break down? And a baby averages 6000 nappies before they are toilet trained? This motivated Kendell Terrill to start her local business that protects the environment and supports whānau.
Sustainable Fashion Market coming to New Plymouth
Good news - you won’t have to travel to get your shopping fix as New Plymouth’s fashion market opens on May 29th at Bell Block Hall…
Sustainable Backyards - The Green Shed Farm Shop
Lillian Hall is as resourceful as it gets – even her chicken feed sacks don’t go to waste…
Raymond Buckland – Egmont Refuse and Recycling Sustainable Business Champion
Raymond Buckland is the passionate owner of Egmont Refuse and Recycling located at 12 Scott Street in Hawera, and he successfully runs a “climate positive” business model. A progressive seeker of alternatives for our common household waste, we’ve selected him as our Sustainable Business Champion for the month of March.
Business Champion - Proof & Stock Coffee
Proof & Stock Coffee is leading by example by turning its business waste into eco-friendly products. Adrianna and Tāne Morgan think outside the box by sending 50 alternative milk tetra cartons to Auckland’s Saveboard where the packs get turned into jib boards…
Politicians Asked to Take a Stand
Our kaupapa of protecting Taranaki's taiao - natural environment for future generations was highlighted to five key Members of Parliament.